

Questions & Answers

[toggles type=”accordion”][toggle title=”How can i take a course or lesson?”]Just visit the course page and click on “Take this course” button to get access instantly in case of free courses, or after processing payment of paid courses.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”How many courses can we take at once?”]There is no limit on how many courses you can subscribe to as long as you are able to handle them all.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Is there a deadline to complete a course after subscribing?”]No, there is no time limit for course completion.[/toggle]

[/toggles][/seven_twelfths][five_twelfths_last][section title=”Submit Question”][contact_form][/section]
[section title=”Contact Details”]

Office Address: 147 Lawshe St. Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone Numbers: 678-522-0530
